The New Brunswick Federation of Music Festivals is an umbrella organization that represents the eleven affiliated local music festivals in the province. As a step in the journey towards excellence in music performance, we provide a Provincial Music Festival Finals so that NB competitors have an avenue to proceed to the national level of competition, the annual National Music Festival.
NBFMF is seeking to remain relevant to, and reflective of, the interests of young music students in NB. We want to promote and encourage the performance of contemporary works, especially Canadian compositions, in addition to the great classical standard repertoire.
Junior, intermediate, and senior performers recommended by local festival adjudicators come together at the Provincial Finals to compete in voice, piano, string, classical guitar, woodwind, brass, percussion, musical theatre, and chamber ensemble classes. There is also a taped choral competition, offering ten classes to the province's youth and community choirs. Senior competitors may also be recommended to represent New Brunswick at the National Music Festival, held in a different province each year.